Barbara J. Murchie
Hearing & Appeal Appointee Lawyer
Barbara Murchie has been an adjudicator with the Law Society Tribunal and its predecessor since 2011. She was also appointed to the Appeal Division in 2015. She is a bencher at the Law Society of Ontario and former chair of its Tribunal Committee. Barbara was called to the bar in 1986. Barbara recently started her own firm, Murchie Law, after a lengthy career as a partner at Bennett Jones LLP. In her thirty-year career as a lawyer, she has acted as counsel in a broad range of litigation matters including intellectual property, contract and tort disputes, professional and municipal liability, product liability, real estate disputes and construction. She has experience before the Ontario and Federal Courts at both the trial and appellate levels. Throughout her career she has been active in planning and presenting legal education programs particularly in the advocacy and more recently, professionalism fields. She has also been active in community organizations, serving as director and then Chair of the Casey House Foundation and Ovarian Cancer Canada. Prior to becoming a lawyer, she worked in the media.