Kathleen Lickers
Hearing Appointee Lawyer
Kathleen Lickers, a Seneca of Six Nations of the Grand River, completed her B.A. at the University of Western Ontario and her L.L.B. from the University of Ottawa. She was called to the Ontario Bar in 1995 and is widely recognized for her work in Indigenous law and has considerable knowledge of the Law Society and the Tribunal. Ms. Lickers has worked in a number of adjudicative contexts, including as legal counsel and commission counsel to the Indian Claims Commission, a federal Commission of Inquiry. She has a vast range of practice and dispute resolution experience including as an advisor and mediator. She has chaired and facilitated the resolution of disputes in claims negotiations and other matters of mutual concern between representatives of First Nations and other levels of government. She is expert and experienced in a variety of alternative dispute resolution techniques. Most recently she was a member of the Law Society of Ontario’s Review Panel on Regulatory and Hearing Processes Affecting Indigenous Peoples and served as the co-chair of the Law Society’s Indigenous Advisory Group until this year.