Michelle Richards

Michelle Richards

Hearing Appointee Lay Member


Michelle Richards is a Therapist and Registered Social Worker with 15 years of
experience serving clients from equity-seeking groups in various contexts: mental
health/addictions, criminal justice, and child welfare. She currently works for the
Sentencing and Parole Project preparing Enhanced Pre-Sentence Reports for
Black people marginalized by systemic inequities. Michelle is also a Sessional
Equity Trainer with the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, and
contributed to the development of equity-based curriculum for new child
protection workers. While working in the child welfare sector, Michelle codeveloped
an equity-focused mental health strategy, and developed a strong
reputation for advocating to ensure equitable service delivery. Michelle operated
a private therapy practice, serving as a trusted guide for people on a journey to
mental wellness. Her approach to practice and service delivery in her various
capacities is grounded in equity and anti-oppression frameworks. Outside of her
professional identity, Michelle enjoys health and fitness, travel and family.