Sonia Ouellet

Sonia Ouellet

Hearing Bencher Lawyer


Sonia Ouellet is the Interim Executive Director of the University of Ottawa’s Community Legal Clinic, which provides legal advice and representation for a range of criminal, family, and tenant-related matters. She is also a part-time Professor at uOttawa’s Faculty of Law, where she teaches a Health Law course in French. An experienced adjudicator, Sonia previously worked for the Social Benefits Tribunal and was Vice-Chair of the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board and the Health Services Appeal and Review Board for a decade. She also practiced at Gowlings from 1998 to 2003. 

Throughout her career, Sonia has served on many boards and organizations that work to improve services and access to justice for Francophones in Ontario. Namely, she did so as the former Executive Director and former President of the Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario (AJEFO). She is also a former Board Member of the Law Commission of Ontario and sat on Law Society of Ontario’s Treasurer Advisory Committee. Highly engaged in her community, specifically helping vulnerable people, Sonia was on the Board of the Vanier Community Services Centre in Ottawa for 16 years, including three as President, and was active in le Centre Espoir Sophie, a women’s community centre.  

She holds a Bachelor of Sciences, a Bachelor of Education, and was awarded her LL.B., all by the University of Ottawa.